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Virginia Estate and Retirement Blog

Spending Your Money Well

Creating a budget really shouldn’t be the place where financial decisions begin. Instead, a comprehensive look at what you most care about and how you want to live your life is the best place to start, even before budget categories are determined. This becomes especially  …read more »

A Checkup From Your Financial Doctor

I thought I would take the time this week to give you an objective, “incentive-free” look at what your finances should look like when you hit the half-century mark. If you are close to that mark, I thought it might be useful for me to  …read more »

Doing Estate Planning The Right Way

Over 50% of adults do NOT have a will or other estate planning instruments in place to protect themselves and their family. And, perhaps even worse, over 69% of parents have not yet named legal guardians who can raise their children if something happens to  …read more »

Evaluating Finances With Your Heart In Mind

Working with my clients’ finances over the years has given me a bit of a crash course in human behavior. Often, I’m floored by the generosity I see displayed by many clients — even those without significant means. Other times … well, I think that  …read more »

The Starting Point For Tax Planning

The very first thing we would do with any client who wants to get ahead of their tax bill is to first figure out what their tax bill would actually be, if all things remain the same. While there are a lot of variables that  …read more »

When Our Tax Policy Affects Families

Every year, I sit down with families who made a particular financial move, and as a result, some unforeseen — and unintended — consequence kicked in. This could be an unexpected tax event, it may have been a broken relationship, or a business failure. (All  …read more »

Good Estate Planning (and Bad)

This week, I’d like to give you some examples of why it’s so important to be prepared–for the sake of your family’s future. You see, when it comes to transferring real wealth to children, many otherwise-successful parents never get around to it. They’re just too  …read more »

How To Choose The Best Guardian

Since this is a subject which often comes up in our offices, I thought I’d put together some of our best answers on the subject, for your reference. These are the most important considerations for your selection of a guardian for your children … Consider  …read more »

Unseen Money Mistakes (Part 1)

You pay your bills on time. You try to save as much as you can. You even follow the advice which you read in books and hear on the radio about how to keep your finances in check. But you’re still not getting ahead. Well,  …read more »

Unseen Money Mistakes (Part 2)

I wrote previously about the hidden financial mistakes which even some of our wealthiest clients fall into. These are gleaned from my years working directly with families — in their finances, and, of course, in saving them money on tax. In so doing, I’m hopefully  …read more »

In The News

Tom Marshall Interviewed by NBC TV Roanoke - “Our Blue Ridge”

Tom Marshall Interviewed by ABC News Washington, DC